(FYI The first 3 weeks are just grading games so that we can assess teams, and put them in the best grade for the competition round (which is 10 weeks long). So all we’re doing is cutting one grading round out (so now just 2 weeks of grading)).
Rather than adjust draws and add an extra round early January, we've decided to leave grading week one as a cancelled round. Therefore please just follow the dates on the draws as they are. Next week's draws are below.
(FYI The first 3 weeks are just grading games so that we can assess teams, and put them in the best grade for the competition round (which is 10 weeks long). So all we’re doing is cutting one grading round out (so now just 2 weeks of grading)).
Unfortunately the Council have closed the grounds this week (neglected to tell us for yesterday, so we snuck those games in!), so no Junior Year 1&2 games this afternoon at Sunnynook, no Senior games tonight at Sunnynook, no Junior games at Hato Petera on Thursday afternoon, and no Senior games on Thursday night at Sunnynook! We will adjust the draws to reflect new start dates.
The Tuesday Mens, Tuesday Mixed, and Thursday Mixed grading round draws are now available at www.localtouch.co.nz. Click the link on the Draws & Results page. Games begin next Tue 25th Oct and Thu 27th Oct.
Alternatively, click the below link to take you directly to the draws. Tuesdays: https://drawsresults.sportsrunner.net/?org=LLT&sport=SU Thursdays: https://drawsresults.sportsrunner.net/?org=LLT&sport=SH Please note games for the first 3 weeks are 35mins due to earlier sunset. We will shift to 40min games at the start of the competition round (15th & 17th November). Please note that the Junior draws for Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th October are now available online.
Time and field allocations for the rest of the draws will be inputted by the end of the week. Access draws at www.localtouch.co.nz via the link on the Draws&Results page, or use the direct links below: Junior Monday / Tuesday Link : http://drawsresults.sportsrunner.net/?org=LLT&sport=JM Junior Thursday Link: http://drawsresults.sportsrunner.net/?org=LLT&sport=JT Thank you for your patience while we re-organised the draws after this week's cancellation. Field layout maps are located on the Contact dropdown menu of this website. Note: we are still to confirm layout for Hato Petera. We have been advised by council that due to the recent inclement weather the grounds are not ready for the Touch Season.
All the grounds are sodden and they have not had the opportunity to mow and mark. Therefore the Junior Touch season will now commence 24th, 25th, 27th October. The draw will now be adjusted to reflect this change. |
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