- Thank you for your Provisional Entries. These details help us plan for approximately how many teams we have, and for planning number of fields and rounds etc.
- Now we require all schools/clubs to complete the Confirmation of Team Details form online. The team details we require are:
- Name of team – School + team name (i.e. St John’s Steelers, Mairangi Bay Leopards etc)
- Grade - Mixed, Boys, Girls & Y1&2, Y3&4, Y5&6
- Division - for Y3-6, indicate if A grade or B grade; for Y1&2 indicate if Y1, Y2, or Y1&2 combined
- Notes – anything that you feel is relevant to assist us with draw structure. eg all Year 1’s, two girls in an all boys team, all new to touch, team on camp, prizegiving etc
- Please go to Drop down the sub-menu from Entries & Registrations to find the ‘Junior Confirmation of Team Details Form’ and follow the instructions.
- This form must be submitted by Monday 18th September.
- A reminder that we begin Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October 2017.
- Monday teams DO play on Labour Day.
- Monday dates are: 16th, 23rd, 30th Oct; 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th Nov; 4th, 11th Dec (9 weeks).
- Tuesday dates are: 17th, 24th, 31st Oct; 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Nov; 5th, 12th Dec (9 weeks).
- Thursday dates are: 19th, 26th Oct; 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Nov; 7th, 14th Dec (9 weeks).
- A reminder that balance on Fees are due by Monday 18th September.
- Fees must be direct credited.
- Drop down the sub-menu from Entries & Registrations to find the ‘Fee Payment Form’.
- We are using the Touch New Zealand online team registration system again. Once we receive your confirmed teams, we will enter them in the Sporty system, and you will receive a link for you or your managers to complete the player details.
- Team registration (player details) are due before the first game of the season (16th, 17th, 19th Oct).
- Draws & Results will be available online at
- Draws will be completed before the school holidays. They will be ready for viewing by the end of Term 3.
- We will email school contacts when available.
- Reminder that we have a coaching page at It includes the simplified rules & terminology, the Local Touch rules, links to other sites, and a basic Practical Guide for Coaches to download.
- There is a great Touch New Zealand ‘Touch Coach Connect’ website:, which has great resources. You can also do a free 30-45min online ‘Starting to Coach Touch’ course.
- TNZ Foundation Level (L1) Practical Coaching Course
If you’re interested in a coaching course before the season starts, please see information below:
Please register online: or Contact: Luke 0226188776 or [email protected]
When: Thursday 7th September 2017
Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: Glenfield Rugby League Club, 144 Sycamore Dr, Sunnynook, North Shore City 0620
- As mentioned in the Entry Pack, this year teams are given:
- 10 x Local Touch caps
- 6 x cones
- 1 x ball
- 1 x whistle
- End of season Achievement Certificates
- Weekly Player of the Day Certificates
- Weekly Great Effort Certificates - We hope to distribute to schools prior to the season start, but only upon full payment of fees. Alternatively, they will be available on the first day of play.