We hope you've all had a good summer break.
Reminder that Touch starts back this Tuesday 8th January. Please CLICK HERE to view draws.
If there are any issues with fielding a team, please let us know as soon as possible. It's not fair to other teams to inform us an hour or two before tap off, or just not showing up.
Remember, you can have as few as 4 players on field - a bit of a work out, but it has been done! For Mixed, you'll need to keep the ratio to maximum of 3 males on field.
If your team defaults, you get 0 points; but if you play, even with few numbers, you'll get at least 1 point. Could be the difference come Semi Finals time.
Tue 8th Jan Draw Change: Please note time change in Mixed Div 1 for Central Realty v Just Touch It to 6:00pm, and Touchstones XX v Chuckas to 6:40pm.
There are 7 games left in the season for all teams.
- Finish Round 1 Competition games: Tuesdays - 8th Jan, 15th Jan.
- Div 1,2,3 then split into Top 4, Bottom 4 for a 3 week round robin.
- Mixed Round 2 Competition games: Tuesdays - 23rd Jan, 30th Jan, 5th Feb.
- Semi Finals and Finals game: Tuesdays - 12th Feb, 19th Feb.
- Round 2 Competition games: Tuesdays - 8th Jan, 15th Jan, 23rd Jan, 30th Jan, 5th Feb.
- Semi Finals and Finals game: Tuesdays - 12th Feb, 19th Feb.
Semi Finals & Finals
- ALL TEAMS are included on the draw unless there is a bye.
- The top 4 teams in each section (includes Mens, Mixed Top & Mixed Bottom Sections) at the end of the competition round (which finishes 5th Feb) will be playing off for 1st - 4th place which includes prizemoney. (Bottom 2 Mens teams will also play off for final placings).
- Please note, we expect ALL TEAMS to play the last two weeks.
- Re top 4 Semi's & Finals: Only players who have played the required 47% of games (eg 6 round robin games out of 13) during grading/competition rounds, will be eligible to take the field for Semis and Finals. Also note:
- Module Manager - Vicki McLellan, will have a list of qualified players to check, in the next few weeks.
- Teams playing off for the top 4 places will have their players marked off prior to Semi's and Finals games commencing.
- Prizemoney is given out to teams who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
- Teams must play in the Semi's and Finals to be eligible for prizemoney.
- Teams must have completed their player registrations (prior to 11th Dec 2018 cut off).
- Teams must be in correct uniform to play in the Semi's and Finals.(see notes below)
- Teams must play the semi-finals in order to be eligible to play finals, be placed, and receive prizemoney.
A reminder that teams must be in correct uniform to avoid points being deducted. The rules state:
- All players must wear IDENTICAL SHIRTS WITH NUMBERS (numbers no less than 10cm high).
- All players must wear the SAME COLOURED SHORTS.
- No player is to play in bare feet.
Look forward to seeing you all back into Touch this week!